Daily Schedule


AGC 3’S Daily Schedule

8:30-8:50 (12:00 -12:20 for P.M. students)

Gathering Time- During this time, the students will be arriving and putting away their things. When they have everything put away they will work on a quick activity until the whole class has arrived. These activities may range from individual activities such as forming letters with play dough to a large group game.

8:50-9:00 (12:20-12:30) 

Bathroom Break/Wash Hands-We will then line up and have our 1st bathroom break and wash hands to get ready to start our day!

9:00-9:30 (12:30-1:00)

Circle Time/ Calendar- During this time our theme will be discussed. The children are encouraged to participate in conversations related to the theme. We will work on social skills, such as waiting one’s turn to speak and being a good listener when others are talking. This is also the time of day when we will work on some early math skills  (shapes, colors, patterning, counting and numbers) and emerging literacy skills (letter of the week, story time and singing).

9:30-9:45 (1:00- 1:15)

Group Skills- At this time the children will be divided into two groups. The 2 groups will be directed activities that target specific learning objectives and/or fine motor areas. After 10 minutes the groups will switch. Switching after a brief period in a group ensures that the child’s focus is not lost and it improves the level of knowledge retention.

9:45-10:05 (1:15-1:35)

Bathroom Break/Snack- Time for a break! Teachable moments can be found anywhere, even at the snack table. We practice good manners by thanking our snack helper and parent helper and most importantly, God. We learn proper table manners by practicing the appropriate way to ask for something to be passed or for more drink and snack. Children also learn responsibility by cleaning up their own area.

10:05-10:15 (1:35-1:45)

Bible Time- At this time the children will gather on the ABC rug to learn about the amazing gifts that God has given us. In the 3's class the preschoolers will learn about the stories and life lessons found in the Old Testament. The Beginner's Bible is used as a foundation of our lessons.

10:15-10:45 (1:45-2:15)

Choice Time-This is usually the kid’s favorite part of the day! Your preschooler will be offered several activities. He/she may choose to take part in all the activities or just a few. The choices will be fun and many will encourage “pretend” play. The children practice decision making skills as they decide what to do next.

10:45-11:00 (2:15-3:00)

Closing Time- We have accomplished so much and now it is time to wind down our day. At this time the person who brought back the favorites Bag will share the ONE item they brought and we will read the book that the student brought.

Individual children may use the restroom at anytime during the day. A teacher or parent helper will escort them to the bathroom.